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Show Day

It is Show day tomorrow, a number of members are gearing up for the show, please remember to read the schedule there have been changes in a number of sections this year, compared to last year.

I think we have got everything ready in terms of the administration for the show.

It was nice to see so many people turn up and help load the van with all the table tops etc that are needed for the staging, unfortunately Jean and myself arrived just after the work had been completed, but she was waiting for me to get back from work!

At the general meeting last night we did sell a number of bags for displaying the food at the show, just a reminder that all food exhibits should be covered and if you have not already got the bags required we will have some available at 10p each.

If you need to check on classes for the show and you have misplaced your schedule there is an online version available at the show page of the website.

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