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Morville Garden Festival 2016

During the week I recieved the following invitation from Janette Bolton via the website, which I said I would pass on to members.

StartFragment Morville Garden Festival 2016

Dates Sat 30th Apl, Sun 1st May and Mon 2nd May 11 am-5pm

A three day festival with a Flower Festival in the Church (£2) and all 6 of the Morville Hall complex gardens including Kathy Swifts famous historical garden are open (£5.00 for access to all) each day. Tea tent each day with refreshments, sandwiches, homemade cakes, scones with clotted cream etc. All the gardens are different and a real treat for gardeners. Plants and preserves are for sale all 3 days. For groups I would suggest the Saturday or Sunday as it is quieter - the Monday is really busy with a Mayday Fete so lots of children's activities, bouncy castle, pony rides, Maypole dancing, music, stalls of all kinds.

There is a £2 parking charge per car on the Monday only. If you did want to come as a group on the Saturday or Sunday we offer a discount on a joint garden and church flower festival ticket which would be entrance to both for £6 for groups numbering over 20 providing you paid one month in advance.

No tours but generally the gardeners are in their gardens to chat to the visitors. We could not accommodate coaches on the Monday, but may be able to do so on the Saturday and Sunday, with advance notice.

From Janette Bolton Festival Chairman EndFragment


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