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February Meeting

The new year got off to a flying start last night with the AGM.

The main points from the AGM:

The committee and officiers remain the same as last year, the subs have also been kept to the same level as last year, £4 for the year.

The schedules for the show were distributed to all the members present:

The Members class is making a vegetable cake and members need to pay a £1 entry fee and collect the sheet of suggested recipes. These will be available at meetings during the year.

There are 2 new classes, one is a vase of Sweet Peas. The other is a special class for Men only, they can enter one of the categories listed in the domestic classes. For more details check the schedule, copies can be downloaded from the website show page.

There is a fantastic line up of speakers for the year, it started last night with Mick giving us a review of shows and events that members of the club attended in 2014. It was surprising how many events club members had attended. It will be interesting to see if members are as successful in 2015. Perhaps Mick will manage to get his picture taken with Monty!


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