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Presentation Night

It was nice to see so many people at the Presentation Night yesterday, the room was certainly full. The night went well with the majority of the winners there to collect their prizes. It was pleasing again to see so many youngsters that had taken part in the show able to get to the prestation evening to collect their winnings.

The quiz proved to be an interesting challenge, with a little bit of friendly rivalry developing between some of the teams.

Over the next few weeks some pictures from the presentation night will be posted on the website, I will also put on the main results of the show so everyone can see.

I would like to single out a couple of important results:

Firstly Len Smith who won most points in show by the biggest margin in recent years.

Secondly William Clay who is the youngest winner of one of the main vegetable classes in the show.

There are no more meetings now until next February, but updates will continue on the website.

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